Did you know...
* Children with language delays or language problems have more difficulty in reading and math especially in preschool and elementary school? They may also suffer from behavioral problems.
* Speech therapists not only treat language and speech disorders, but also work with children who have difficulty chewing and swallowing and have voice complaints such as hoarseness.
* Language development disorder is a neurocognitive developmental disorder: language is not processed as well in the brain.
* Language development disorder can go hand in hand with autism, an overall developmental delay, an information processing problem, an auditory processing problem, or a hearing problem.
* Language development disorder occurs in approximately 5 to 7% of children?!
* Language development disorder is present in 2 children in every class?!
* Language development disorder is more common in boys than girls.
* Language development disorder can often cause difficulties in learning to read and write.
* Language development disorder often never looks the same: the symptoms can be different!
* Did you know that slurring is often associated with abnormal oral behaviors, such as thumbing or mouth breathing?
* Did you know that slurring can affect the position of the teeth?
* Did you know that the speech therapist also works with the dentist?
* Did you know that slurring can be treated at all ages?
* In language development, the /L/ and the /J/ come earlier than the /R/, and they are both related to the /R/ so children simply replace the /R/ with an /L/ or /J/. And that's a normal occurrence until the age of 5.
But why is the /R/ so difficult for many young children...?
It has to do with the articulation method. There are two ways to pronounce a /R/:
- The uvula R is made in the throat,
- The rolling R with the tongue tip behind the front teeth on the "bump."